Day 230, Year 1: At Anchor in Hakahaa, Comptroller’s Bay, Nuka Hiva
Date: Sunday, June 4, 2006
Weather: Rainy Day with Intermittent Sunshine
Location: Hakahaa, Comptroller’s Bay, Nuka Hiva Island, Marquesas
We continue to have rain squalls that come and go and leave sunny weather behind. We left Taoihae Bay this morning and headed east to Comptroller’s Bay. By the time we got here, Procyon had already arrived and joined Savoir Vivre who has been here for the past couple of days. It was wonderful to enter an anchorage with only two other boats, both boats with great people aboard. Jaimie and Lucy from Savoir Vivre came over right away to greet us and to invite us over for sundowners. They were also inviting Procyon, so it would be great to get together later in the day.
Mark and I headed into the beach around 3 pm and walked into the village of Taipivai.
Even though we had driven 42 kilometers to the village of Iipona on Hiva Oa, this village feels much more remote. After walking through the village, we returned to Windbird and then had cocktails on Savoir Livre and dinner aboard Procyon.
Tomorrow we will explore this area by foot and report on our findings. Life here continues to be good.
060604 Day 230 Marquesas–Comptroller's Bay, Nuka Hiva |