Day 225, Year 1: Meeting Up with Friends in Nuka Hiva
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Weather: Perfect Day with Clear Blue Skies and Calm Seas
Latitude: 08 degrees 57 minutes
Longitude: 140 degrees 10 minutes
Location: Daniel’s Bay, Nuka Hiva Island, Marquesas
What a wonderful day. We had a fantastic sail from Ua Pou to here, we got together with Randy and Sheri on Procyon for the first time since the Galapagos, and we are in an absolutely beautiful anchorage. We set out this morning for the north side of Nuka Hiva, but the direction of the wind and the conversations with friends on the VHF helped us to make the decision to come here. Good decision.
Randy and Sheri are the friends that had the medical emergency on our passage and it was so fantastic to see them today. Randy is doing great and Sheri has rebounded from her experience as a single hander. We are sharing this bay with Randy and Sheri on Procyon, Candice and Ed on Still Point who sailed here with us from Ua Pou, and Soren Larsen, a two-masted square-rigger from New Zealand. It is beautiful, calm, and nice to be in an anchorage with only a couple of other boats.
We had the best sail that we have had during our whole trip today. We were sailing at a good speed with moderate winds, sailing upright with all sails flying. It was really wonderful. We had planned to sail to the north side of this island, but the winds brought us here and it was truly a wonderful sail. Tonight we had Randy and Sheri from Procyon and Ed and Candice from Still Point onboard for dinner. Tomorrow morning we all will head to shore to walk to the third highest waterfall in the world. We also hope to meet Daniel. He and his wife Antoinette have lived here for years and have welcomed sailors from all over the world. From what we have read the Survivor series bought Daniel’s original home so they could produce a TV show, but he just moved one bay over. Tomorrow we will find out.
060530 Day 225 Marquesas, Nuka Hiva–Ua Pou to Nuka Hiva |
224 days in and you have your best sail yet!?!??!? Typical – always seeing things in the long view! Sounds absolutely lovely. Thinking of you guys…