Life After Windbird, Day 77: More of the Same
Date: Friday, October 28, 2016
Weather: Overcast and WINDY; High 55, Low 42 degrees F
Location: At Home at the Studio, Falmouth, MA

Today was more of the same—more overcast, cool weather and more time spent dealing with computer issues. Thankfully in the middle of the afternoon, Heather called to see if I could pick Ollie up from school and bring him home. That gave me the break that I needed and as always, Ollie brightens my day. Jed and Sam had soccer practice this afternoon and Heather had to go to the elementary school to set for a Halloween movie night, so I stayed with Jonah and Ollie until Jed got home. Tomorrow is soccer Saturday with three soccer games spaced throughout the day and on Sunday Heather runs the Cape Cod Marathon. I have invited Heather and gang over for dinner on Sunday evening, so the weekend is full of activity. Then Monday is Halloween and I’ll spend that day traveling to Woods Hole to see Ollie’s pre-school parade, heading back to East Falmouth Elementary for a 2:15 pm parade around the school track, and then help-out with Trick or Treat night at the Goldstones. So I’ll put the computer issues on the back burner for the next three days and just enjoy the activities. Hopefully the wind will slow down a bit by morning, but the temperature is going to remain about the same. Looks like we are in for days in the 50’s and night’s in the 40’s—better than 30’s—for the next week or so.