2025 Life Logs, Day 33: Bath for Shadow, Dinner for the Goldstones
Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025
Weather: Some Sun, Some Clouds, Snow Tonight; Temp 34, Low 32 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA
This was one of those free and easy days. I spent a bit of time on my current jigsaw puzzle while watching Meet the Press. Working a puzzle helps keep my blood pressure down while watching a review of Trump II, week 2. What a chaotic mess. “We the people” are going to have to make ourselves heard loud and clear if we are going to save any part of our government as we know it.
I fixed a roasted chicken with baked stuffed potatoes and broccoli and took that to Heather and family for their Sunday dinner. Sam is better, so he should be back in school tomorrow. Heather is still achy and moving very slowly, but she says she has to go to work tomorrow. Jed’s fever still comes and goes, so he will still be at home. I sure hope Jonah doesn’t get whatever this is.
My only other project today was giving Shadow a bath. Now I just have to figure out how to trim his hair. I cancelled his grooming appointment for January because it is just so expensive. I’m trying to save money, but I am not sure it’s worth it in this case.