2025 Life Logs, Day 32: Down with the Holiday Lights
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Weather: Snow Flurries, Strong N Wind; Temp 39, Low 16 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA

I decided to extend the holiday season this year by leaving the lights and garland wrapped around the rail fence at the front of the property in place until the last day of January. Those little white lights lifted my spirits every time I looked at them. But today being the first day of February, it was time to put them away until next December. It was chilly today as there was a fairly strong north wind blowing as well as snow flurries falling, so I had to take a couple of breaks to warm my hands. By day’s end, however, I finally got everything tucked away.

Has it really been only two weeks since the Trump regime took over our country? It certainly feels like a lot longer and the damage already done is immense. But we have only just begun. Every day, I wrack my brain trying to come up with something, anything, I can do that might make a difference. My best idea of today is to boycott Proctor & Gamble products and encourage friends to do the same. I only use one item on the list and our numbers are too small to really make a difference anyway, but it will make me feel better. Why Proctor & Gamble? They are a major advertiser on Fox News, and I don’t believe an organization that promotes lies should be called a news organization. If you want to join me, here is a list of some of P&G’s products to avoid:
Tide, Gain, and Ariel laundry detergents
Bounty paper towels
Cascade dishwasher detergent
Charmin bathroom tissue
Crest toothpaste
Dawn dishwashing detergent
Downy fabric softener
Febreze odor eliminator
Gillette razors, shaving soap, shaving cream, shampoo, deodorant and anti-perspirant
Head & Shoulders and Pantene shampoos
Mr. Clean
Oral B products
Olay personal and beauty products
Pampers & Pampers Kandoo and Luvs disposable diapers and moist towelettes
Vicks cough and cold products
SK-II beauty products