2025 Life Logs, Day 31: Busy, Busy Day
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
Weather: Overcast, Rainy, Warmer; Temp 43, Low 34 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA

Delivered and had lunch with the Baranowski’s to ‘celebrate’ Peter’s successful knee replacement this week, met with an Encore team to discuss the best ways to store important documents to share with others, picked Ollie up after school, rushed to get to a 3 0’clock showing of the movie Conclave at the Falmouth Public Library, came home to spend a little time with Shadow before heading to a Bites and Bingo Encore social evening. Whew! It was busy, productive, and enjoyable day.

I was sad to learn from Ollie that the Goldstones are not going to Stow to snowboard this weekend. Whatever Ollie had last week, Sam had this week, and today Heather and Jed came down with it. So, no snowboarding this weekend. And unfortunately, it looks like the fun the boys have been having on the neighborhood frozen pond might also come to an end this weekend. With the temperature warming up and the rain, the ice will probably melt quickly.