2025 Life Logs, Day 28: A Little of This and That
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Weather: Sunny to Partly Cloudy, Back to Sunny, Windy; Temp 42, Low 24 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA

A little puzzling, a little reading, a little house cleaning, a little laundry. Then dinner with the Woodins. It was a delightful, stress-free winter day. That is, until I got home after a wonderful hearty beef stew dinner with Bruce and Jane to catch up on the news today. The blanket freeze of federal grants and loans and the ‘invitation’ to nearly all federal workers to resign and take a ‘generous’ retirement package sickens me. Trump has been telling us for months what he planned to do if we elected him to be President a second time, but I think most people thought some of his ideas were so outrageous that even he would not really do what he said. Well, I think anyone who thought that needs to think again. Remember Project 2025? If not, it is time to get familiar with it as it looks like that blueprint is being put into action. Public pressure today resulted in a lot of back pedaling. That push back must continue.

On the brighter side, when I took Ollie to his saxophone lesson late this afternoon, I dropped him off and drove to nearby Menauhant Beach. I got there just as the sun was setting. The orange glow of the setting sun was gorgeous. That is what I will remember about today.