2025 Life Logs, Day 26: It’s All About the Wind
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025
Weather: Mostly Sunny: Temp 39, Low 27 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA

It was warmer when I walked with Shadow this morning, so I didn’t wear my warm scarf around my neck. But I didn’t factor in the wind. It was only blowing about 15 mph, but that was enough to make my face feel like it was freezing. By the time we got home, my face was still freezing, but the rest of me was on the verge of perspiring. When I checked the weather tonight, I see we are going to have winds over 20 mph for the next could of days. I guess I’ll have keep wearing that scarf around my neck. I should know from experience, that it’s all about the wind.

Around noon, I got a text from Ollie inviting me to come over and watch more episodes of The Mandalorian with him. He is feeling better, but his energy level is still not back to normal. He went ice skating down on the pond with his mom and dad this morning and when he returned, he didn’t have the energy afterwards to do anything other than be a couch potato. So why not watch more of the series we started last night? I really didn’t have anything that had to be done today, so I accepted the invitation. Watching TV all afternoon is not my usual M.O., but in another year of so, I know I will no longer get that kind of invitation. Ollie will be a full-fledged teenager, and we all know that teenagers are all about being with their friends. So, I jumped at Ollie’s invitation.