2025 Life Logs, Day 25: Date with Ollie
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025
Weather: Sunny: Temp 32, Low 29 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue with My Shadow, Falmouth, MA

It barely got above freezing again today, but it felt warm enough to spend time outside without freezing. Shadow and I started the day with a nice long walk. When we got home, I read for a bit and then I drove up to the Sagamore Park and Ride to pick up Heather who took the bus home from Boston. She attended two days of the Massachusetts Municipal Association meeting which brings together the heads of local government of all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns. When I got home, I set about making chili for Ollie. He still has a temperature and no energy, but he loves chili, so I thought that might perk him up. Then I got a text from Jonah asking if I could come over this evening so he could have friends over to play ice hockey on the frozen pond. It is such a rare occasion these days on the Cape to have frozen ponds that kids want to take full advantage of them before they melt. Heather and Jed were going to Yankee Swap, so of course I said yes to Jonah’s request. The boys are certainly old enough to be home alone in the evenings, but the house rule is that there can be no friends without an adult in the house. Sam is in New Hampshire with friends skiing, Jonah and three friends spent almost two hours out on the ice, so Ollie and I had a quiet dinner date and watched episodes of The Mandalorian. I was going to write about Heather Cox Richardson’s blog post from yesterday, but I don’t want to ruin what was a perfectly delightful day writing about the events of this week. In five short days, Trump has managed to start dismantling federal government agencies that have taken decades to build. I’ll save that for another time.