2024 Life Logs, Day 67: Nasty Weather
Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024
Weather: Overcast, Misty, Windy; High Temp 53, Low 35 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth MA

We’ve h spent ad a string of days of nasty weather. If you just look at the temperature for today, it seems like it should have been mild today. But with the overcast sky, the wind raging, and the mist in the air, it did not feel mild. I’m ready for a little sunshine. Maybe tomorrow?

My morning was spent making soup and a quiche for lunch. I invited a fellow Encore member over for lunch today to talk about a future Voyage of Windbird presentation to her church group. But we also spent a lot of time talking about her very interesting life. After she left, I had a Zoom appointment with my primary care physician who was just checking in to make sure all is well after my back surgery and then Covid. Tonight, I read my current book which is getting very interesting and then watched the State of the Union address. And if I quickly send this log, I’ll have a few minutes to read before bedtime.