2024 Life Logs, Day 64: Detta Arrived
Date: Monday, March 4, 2024
Weather: Overcast and Misty; High Temp 46, Low 39 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth MA

There is not much of a chance that we will see the sun for the next seven days. Well, maybe a little on Friday. But it is going to be a dreary week. As I said in last night’s log, we will just have to make our sunshine indoors. This afternoon I had an Encore meeting with our Treasurer and then I came home to await the arrival of my friend Detta from New Hampshire who always brings a sunshine with her. Today she drove to Connecticut to visit with her father and then on to Cape Cod to deliver a birthday eve dinner. But we ran into a little snag. As the salmon was baking in the oven, Detta started feeling a bit queasy. She thinks she has food poisoning from something she ate for lunch and is unfortunately spending this birthday eve in the bathroom. No dinner for Detta. We are just hoping this will be a ‘short course’, 12 hours or so. I feel so bad for Detta, but I will just have to do what I can to support her.