2024 Life Logs, Day 323: Tuesday Shopping Day
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Weather: Sunny; High Temp 56, Low 37 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth MA
Today’s was Shadow’s day to go to the doggy beauty shop to be groomed. I delivered him to Pampered Paws at 9 am, drove back to Waquoit to meet with Christina Brodie re Encore business, and then headed to Mashpee and Hyannis. I needed to go to Whole Foods in Hyannis to get wild rice as I couldn’t find any here in Falmouth. I wouldn’t have driven all the way there just for the rice, but last night Sam mentioned to me that he needs a pair of jeans or some pants other than sweatpants for his college trip tours in the Netherlands. He and Heather fly out on Saturday, so I decided to some shopping for him today. I bought a couple of different styles of jean/pants at four different stores and tonight I had him try them on. He said this was like DoorDash for clothes! I think I have found my new calling. One pair was perfect and two more just need to be exchanged for a different size.