2024 Life Logs, Day 215: Successful Transfer from Hospital to Rehab
Date: Friday, August 2, 2024
Weather: Sunny and Hot, Thunderstorm Early Evening; High Temp 94, Low 71 degrees F
Location: At Home with Nephew Tommy & Marilou in Huntersville, NC
When I arrived at the hospital this morning, Patsy was so much better than yesterday. The oxygen had been removed, which was a really good sign, but she was just sitting there looking at her breakfast tray but not attempting to eat. I helped feed her at first, and then turned that job over to her. Maybe it is just sitting in a hospital bed that makes her believe she can’t feed herself. At least, I hope that is all it is. Then the hospital doctor came in and announced that she was being released today. He explained that when she spiked a fever during the early hours of yesterday, they cultured a sample and found she had a raging urinary tract infection. That helps explain her behavior yesterday. Knowing she would be leaving the hospital today, I rushed to Terra Bella to pick up her clothes and other things she will need in rehab. While there, I got the call that she would be picked up between 12 and 1 to be taken to rehab, so I high tailed it back. They came around 12:15 and by 1:30 she was settled nicely in Autumn Care. Tommy came and sat in on a 3:30 meeting I had with the Business Manager, Facilities Director, and the Social Worker. The administrative staff here seems really good, but the more hours I sit here, the more I see that the floor personal are not as responsive. They are supposed to check on clients every two hours, but that just hasn’t happened. If Patsy would push the red button for help, I think they would come, but she will not do that. So, I am glad I have people lined up to be with her for a part of the day and overnight when I leave, hopefully on Sunday. The companions can advocate for her.
I have decided to go to my nephew Tommy’s for the night. It is much closer than Mooresville where I was going to stay. I am going to check on flights home when I get to Tommy’s tonight. My friend, Lynne, who has been with Shadow for the past week, had to leave this morning. I only got to visit with her for one day before I left to come here, fully planning to return on Tuesday. But here I am and Lynne is now in New York visiting with family there before returning to Michigan. Somehow, I hope to be able to visit with her before she returns to New Zealand. Lynne, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of my Shadow while I had to remain here in North Carolina. You are the best!