2024 Life Logs, Day 206: Lynne Arrived
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, Cooler; High Temp 69, Low 67 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth, MA
It was another cloudy day with a little mist this morning. And it was cooler by just a few degrees but enough that it felt a little chilly at the beach. I had an morning meeting, picked Ollie and friend Teddy up from soccer, and then it was on to swim lessons. Teddy came home with us and I hung out with the kids until about 3:00 so that I would be home when Lynne arrived. Yesterday she drove from Michigan to Nyack, NY, and then on to Cape Cod today. I only get to see her once a year when she is home from New Zealand visiting with family for the summer. So, it is always wonderful to see her. We went for a long walk with Shadow, had leftovers from last night’s dinner, and watch a movie called, “Eating for Tomorrow.” A number of people recommended it, but I think Lynne and I were not as impressed as others. I think that is because we already know and believe what was being presented. We need to move to a plant-based diet to preserve our health and the earth.