2024 Life Logs, Day 192: Encore Board Meeting, Street Fair Stroll with Ollie
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Weather: Partly Sunny: High Temp 78, Low 73 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth, MA

My day started by taking my car to Curtis Automotive to get their opinion on how much life is still in my little Fit. When I went to pick it up this afternoon, I was told that it is good for at least another 2 years, so I am going to get the ignition and window repaired and keep driving it. I will continue to look for a good deal on another car, but this relieves me of having to do it in the middle of summer when things are so busy.

The car had to be in by 8 am, so Heather met me there and dropped me off at the Baranowski’s where I hung out until Karen took me to our 10 am Encore board meeting. After the meeting, Karen took me back to Curtis Automotive and I continued on with my day. I went straight to Heather and Jed’s to check in with Ollie and Jonah. Jonah helped out with a little kid soccer camp this morning and decided to stay home and watch a soccer game this afternoon. Ollie and I took off for Main Street, where we checked out all of the Street Fair booths. Then we came home to play with Shadow before I took him home.

I talked to my sister this afternoon whose 91st birthday was today. Happy birthday, Patsy!