2024 Life Logs, Day 108: Meeting Day
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Weather: Partly Sunny, Cloudy Late; High Temp 50, Low 43 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth, MA

This morning was the monthly Encore General Meeting. The speaker was the historian from the Cape Cod Baseball League. I am not a baseball fan, but he was an engaging speaker. The best college baseball players from around the US come here every summer to play on the Cape’s 10 teams. The League was formed in 1885 and it is still going strong.

I came home for a couple of hours and spent most of that time baking and walking with Shadow. Then it was back out for an afternoon Exploring Public Policy meeting. Today the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Michael Kasparian, came to give us an update on the housing crises in Falmouth. We have lots of houses, but they are financially out of reach for most middle income families. It was an information-packed meeting and most of us left realizing we know so very little about our town system of government. Lots to learn.