2023 Life Logs, Day 364: Trying to Catch-Up
Date: Saturday, December 30, 2023
Weather: Cloudy Turning Partly Sunny; High 46, Low 31 F
Location: At Home on Lakeview in Falmouth, MA

Everyone needs a catch-up day or days after Christmas, so I started the catch-up process today. I put away Christmas gifts, mostly stocking stuffers, got on my computer and went to my bank’s bill pay to make sure everything was being paid on time, and then took a break to start working on a puzzle I got out before Christmas. I had separated most of the pieces by color and edge pieces. I was successful in getting the framing done with the exception of a few pieces I must have missed in the sorting process. By this time, it was almost one o’clock and sun was streaming into the living room. I haven’t seen sunshine for a full seven days. Shadow and I headed outside to play fetch and just enjoy the sunshine. I have a chair in the backyard where I can sit and throw the ball for Shadow with my Chuck-It. And I can sit in that chair and let the sunshine soak in.

When we came back inside, I got caught up on Christmas letters I have received and almost got motivated to write one myself. That’s tentatively on the list for tomorrow. I am not sure where the rest of the day went, but I think that puzzle caught my attention more than once. Shadow and I drove over to Heather and Jed’s to feed the kitties and the fish, and I did a laundry and then fixed dinner. I am no longer on Prednisone, and as a result I am having a more difficult time getting around. I just have to spend more time sitting between any walking activities which slows me down considerably. But at least I am able to get around. For that I am thankful.