2023 Life Logs, Day 206: Soccer for Jonah, Mini Golf for Ollie
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Weather: Sunny; High 81, Low 69 degrees F
Location: At Home on Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth, MA
Every seven weeks, Shadow his appointment at Pampered Paws to get his hair cut and today was that day. That requires taking him up to near the Bourne Bridge, so Ollie and I decided that we would play mini golf and do the bumper boats in nearby Cataumet today before heading back across the Cape to pick up Jonah, Megan, and Seton from their soccer camp at Cape Cod Academy. And while we were up near the bridge, Ollie wanted to go to a remote-control hobby shop across the bridge in Bourne. So there was a fair bit of driving today, but we had fun in between. After picking Shadow up from his appointment, I had planned to drive Ollie and Shadow home and then go back to get Jonah and gang. But at the last minute, Ollie decided that he would like to go and he offered to hold Shadow on his lap. It was a bit crowded in my little car, but we all did fine.
Par for the Cataumet mini golf course is 42. I got my best score ever today with a 46 because I got 3 holes in one. Unheard of for me! I had one really bad hole, however, so Ollie beat me 44 to my 46.
And after mini golf, you have to ride in the bumper boats and play at least one game in the arcade.
So, we did.
We arrived early to pick up Jonah et all at soccer camp, so Ollie, Shadow, and I sat on a hill above the field and watched the kids play. Seton is Ollie’s age and plays soccer on Ollie’s rec team and he hung out with Ollie when he was not on the field. I should have taken photos of Jonah when he was on the field and totally spaced on doing that. It is my turn to take the kids tomorrow morning, so I will hang around a bit and get some photos then.
Ollie and I ended our day back at Stoney Beach in Woods Hole. Again, he declined to come with us, but Ollie and I had a great time. He practiced swimming and we snorkeled together. I shared with him just how relaxing I find it to just float in the water with my snorkel mask on, so he tried it and found it relaxing as well. He calls it ‘rag dolling it’ because when he completely relaxes, his hands and feet hang down and he looks like a limp doll. When I do it, my feet float. This led to a little discussion about how body fat affects the way you float in water. I guess that was our science lesson for the day.