2023 Life Logs, Day 172: Happy Summer and Happy Birthday to Jo
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Weather: Mostly Sunny: High 69, Low 49 degrees F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

Today is summer solstice, the longest day of the year. I love summer and I love long summer days, but it makes me sad that they just get shorter from here on until the winter solstice in December. But I shall not dwell on that. This first day of summer is also my daughter-in-law’s birthday. Happy birthday, Jo! I hope it was a good one.

I continued the moving process, but if I were being graded, I would give myself a C-. I have procrastinated and not really packed up things in the basement. I keep working at a snail’s pace, but I am making some progress. I actually got the first piece of furniture moved today, plus the living room area rug. I needed the end table for the lamp to sit on. There are no overhead lights, so I need to get a few more lights moved tomorrow. I am trying to do what the mover suggested and get as much of the small stuff out of here before Saturday. Then whatever we can’t get moved on Saturday in the 6 hours allotted, I’ll simply have to do later.

Heather sent a great photo of them at Niagara Falls today. She shared it through Google Photos, but after seeing it initially, I have no idea how to find it again. I’ll have to share that once I can find it!