2023 Life Logs, Day 154: C-O-L-D
Date: Saturday, June 3, 2023
Weather: Overcast with Misty Rain; High 60, Low 46 degrees F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
Right now, WeatherUnderground tells me it is 47 degrees F, but feels like 41 degrees. That is C-O-L-D for June, at least it is in my opinion. It was warmer just after midnight last night than any other time during the day. And tomorrow’s high is supposed to be only 53 with more rain possible, especially during the evening. Thankfully, Monday should be a tad warmer.
Gardening just was not inviting today, so I spent time in the basement trying to go through boxes and get rid of things. That didn’t work. Every box I went through only had a couple of things I could make myself throw away. So, I gave up and went back to gardening. I was able to get seven more bags of garden soil loosened and dug out. I took those over to the ‘future’ house. If I can get that much more tomorrow and buy a few bags of organic raised bed garden soil, I will have the four new raised beds full of soil and ready to plant. But before any of that, I will go to an early morning soccer game that Ollie’s team is playing off-Cape. If it is rained out, I’ll sleep in. Then I’ll get back in gardening mode.