2023 Life Logs, Day 140: Ollie’s Soccer Game, Then Boat Work Rained Out
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2023
Weather: Rainy Day; High 63, Low 58 degrees F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
The rain held off long enough for Ollie’s soccer team to play their game this morning. This was a home game against Dartmouth and ended up in a 1-1 tie.
By the end of the game, I was holding my folding chair over my head as an umbrella as it started raining in the fourth quarter. This was not to keep from getting wet, but to keep my glasses from getting wet so I could see the game. I tried watching without my glasses on, but that didn’t work. The chair made a great umbrella. Heather was at the game and Jed was off to Rhode Island with Jonah for an 11 am game and then another one at 4:30. I don’t know if either of Jonah’s games were rained out, but I do know that they were still not home around 4 pm. So, I assume his games were a go.
Before the game, I went to the Master Gardener’s Plant Sale at the fair grounds. What a zoo! So many people come and you really need to know what you are looking for and grab it quickly. I got some tomatoes for Heather and some other vegetables for both of us. And after the game, I came home for lunch and then headed to the boat to do the first application of teak sealer on the handrails and around the companionway just see how it is going to look. But I was rained out. The winter cover has too many holes and everything had splashes of water. Hopefully I’ll get to do this tomorrow. The rain is supposed to end by early morning and Heather is planning on doing the second coat of barrier paint and the first coat of bottom paint. In between the two coats, we have to wait while the first one dries. I will work on the teak during this time.
Since I couldn’t work at the boat, I came home and got the towels and rags we used yesterday for wiping down the boat after the application of Interlux 202 Fiberglas Solvent Wash. It is really smelly and Jed is terribly allergic to this stuff, so I brought the towels and rags home, soaked them in buckets outside overnight, and then took them to the laundromat this afternoon. Then I ended my day by transplanting the tomatoes plants I have been growing under the grow lights into larger pots. I got half of them done and they are now outside to harden off in the shade before planting. I’ll try to get the other half done tomorrow.