2023 Life Logs, Day 133: Boat Work, Kanegsberg’s Visit, and Soccer
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2023
Weather: Sunny, Warm; High 763 Low 47 degrees F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
It was a full day of sanding on the boat, greeting good friends, Alan and Helaine Kanegsberg, who drove down from Dedham to help out with some boat work, and then taking Ollie to his soccer game which was won 12-4. Thank you, thank you, Alan and Helaine, for your help. Alan worked some sort of magic that got the autopilot working. Fantastic.
After the soccer game that was in West Wareham, the boys were jubilant. Ollie and I celebrated by stopping at Somerset Creamery for our first ice cream cone of the season. Shadow was alone for ten hours today and I felt terrible. He did fine, but there is going to be another week of intense boat work mixed with Encore meetings. Christina Brodie and I are the Co-Presidents Elect and we have time set aside on the first three days of the week to meet with other Board members. So Shadow will have some more long days. I thought ahead, however, and have someone from Upper Cape Pet Services to walk with him on those days when I am away all day.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and Heather and I have decided that what we want for Mother’s Day is the whole day to work on the boat with no interruptions. Jed will stay home with the boys and do any driving to soccer games while I sand and Heather finishes preparing the bottom of the boat for its first base coat. We hit a snag today because the existing waterline just didn’t seem right. Ollie and I stopped at Home Depot on our way home and bought a laser line level to help with that issue tomorrow.
So far, the weather has been cooperating. Heather only has next weekend here before she goes to Colorado on a work-related trip. She will be gone all of the next weekend, Memorial Day Weekend. The boat goes in the water on May 29, so that is the reason for the push to get everything done this week.