2018 Life Logs, Day 24—Big Berkey Water Filter
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Weather: Sunny; High 44, Low 19 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
Today I made a little progress toward my goals for the week. I feel like I am inching forward like a snail, but I am inching forward. I did get my new water filtering system up and running and I emptied two big plastic bins into my father’s old antique dresser. It looks much nicer than the plastic bins sitting in my hallway. And then I went to Heather’s to get my canner and I stayed with the boys until Jed got home from work. Heather had to leave to go to an evening Pub Radio Night. So it was a good day. Since I live in an apartment I decided to go with the same free standing water filter that Justin and Jo have in Puerto Rico. It is all stainless steel, no plastic, and requires no electricity. In addition, it is more effective than any other water filters I compared it to. It does take up a bit of counter space, but clean water for drinking and cooking is a top priority. So I gladly give up the space.
Ahh, the weather. Tomorrow and Friday will be back down in the 30’, Saturday, Sunday, Monday warmer in the 40’s, Tuesday back in the 30’s with a chance of snow, Wednesday cold, then Thursday and Friday back in the 40’s. Tonight and tomorrow night we have nighttime lows in the teens, as well as next Tuesday, but the rest of the days the low will be in the 20’s or low 30’s. Cold, but not too bad for now. It is winter on Cape Cod.