2018 Life Logs, Day 22—Work Away, Work A Day
Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Weather: Overcast with Some Rain; High 39, Low 37 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
It seems like a very long time when I have looked my calendar for the week and saw almost no commitments. But this looks like one of those weeks. I have my daily commitment to early morning classes at the gym, but otherwise, I have a free week. So, I launched my week by attacking some of those little jobs about the house that always seem to be lurking. I rearranged kitchen cabinets and cleaned out parts of my ‘pantry’. Since this is a small apartment with no pantry, when we moved in here I bought an old tv cabinet that serves as my pantry. I didn’t make a huge amount of progress, but I got started. Fantastic! I also did some cooking and some food shopping. Tomorrow I will attempt to be put together my new Big Berkey water filtration system and make chicken mineral broth from the remains of the chicken I roasted today.