2018 Life Logs, Day 168—Happy Father’s Day
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2018
Weather: Sunny and Warm; High 82, Low 61 F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers out there, especially to my two favorite fathers, Jed and Justin. I know I’m biased, but in my opinion, both of them are Super Dads. Justin was probably crazy busy today getting ready to fly to England tomorrow, but he is never too busy to take time to play with Ziggy and Coco. Jed has had a very busy weekend being a single parent while Heather is out sailing on the Corwith Cramer, but nothing would make her dad any happier than knowing that she is out there sailing. And while she is out there sailing, Jed has done a great job with the boys. They went to the beach with friends yesterday and had a great time. Today, I had him drop them off with me late this afternoon so he could do the grocery shopping for the week and I grilled burgers and hot dogs for a Father’s Day dinner. While Jed was shopping, Sam and Ollie took turns going out in the kayak. When Ollie came back in, it was time to put the kayak away and get ready for dinner. As I was waiting for him, I met a neighbor and his dog. The neighbor lives three houses down and only comes here on weekends. But he has a dog named Reggie that Ollie fell in love with. As we pulled the kayak out of the water and pulled it up to store it, Reggie stayed right with us. He’s a big, black dog, but so gentle. He stayed right with Ollie and followed us home. He went right to the front door with Ollie and waited to be invited in. Ollie said he would take him home and he did. Ollie met Reggie’s ‘mother’ and she told him he could come borrow Reggie anytime he wanted. Ollie was absolutely thrilled and wants to buy doggie toys so they can play together. That child really needs a dog. But in the meantime, maybe we have found a great match.