2018 Life Logs, Day 166—Heather Sails on Corwith Cramer
Date: Friday, June 15, 2018
Weather: Overcast and Cool; High 64, Low 54 F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
Twenty-one years ago, Heather sailed out of Woods Hole on the Sea Education Association (SEA) operated tall ship, the Corwith Cramer. This was her induction into the MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic joint marine science PhD program. Two life changing events happened on that trip. She met her future husband and she climbed to the top of a 100-foot mast and encountered the ‘vast horizon’ life has to offer. The Corwith Cramer left Woods Hole today with a crew of ocean educators, including my daughter. Heather was invited on this four-day sail and she most enthusiastically accepted. She returns on Tuesday. I find it almost impossible to believe that it has been 21 years since her first sail on the Corwith Cramer. Seems just like yesterday. But I am very excited that Heather was offered this adventure. Originally the sail was going to be to New York City and back, but as of last evening, all she knew was that the plan had been changed and that now they were to sail east into the Atlantic. Today was miserable weather wise, but the weather report here on land for the next few days is for better weather than we have seen all spring—warmth and sunshine. Sure hope that same sunshine follows the Corwith Cramer with enough wind to make for a great sail.
I started my day by taking Ollie and Jonah to school as Heather and Jed both needed to be in Woods Hole by 8:30 to attend a workshop. I then managed to fritter away the day doing nothing productive before returning to pick J & O up after school. They wanted to go to the skate park with bike and scooter to have some fun. So, we did that while Jed headed home to help Sam get ready for his two-night Scout biking camp-out. Sam and Jed did the grocery shopping for the troop yesterday, so while I was with Jonah and Ollie, Jed delivered Sam with his gear and the coolers of food for the weekend to the meeting spot. When Jed got home, I came home to unpack all of the garden goodies that arrived from Amazon today. I received a second bean tower for pole beans and three matching tomato cages. These are square, tall towers that fit nicely into small raised beds. Tomorrow I hope to complete the final spring plantings here at home and in Heather’s garden and spend some time with friend Jane Woodin. The weather looks great, so I’m really looking forward to a day outside.