2018 Life Logs, Day 16—Time for Action
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Weather: Sunny; High 35, Low 29 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA

There are lots of things that are just not normal in our lives these days, but this afternoon when I was reminded of one devastating statistic, I was shaken. Did you know that we have lost 50 per cent of all wildlife on our planet in just the last 42 years? Why? Probably due to toxic chemicals in our environment. We are literally killing ourselves, and we are doing nothing about it. It is time for action. We can’t solve the big issues, there are things we can do immediately. Vote with your money. Buy only organic. That will mean that you are not buying foods laden with chemicals and not buying GMOs, genetically modified organics (foods). This will immediately be better for you and better for the environment. Get rid of all BPA’s (plastics) in your world—no more plastic water bottles, no more Styrofoam cups from Dunkin’ Donuts with plastic lids that drip BPS’s. No more Saran Wrap, plastic food containers, or Ziploc baggies. I threw all of mine in the trash tonight. Very hard to do, but very necessary.