2018 Life Logs, Day 156—Magician
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Weather: Mix of Sun, Clouds, and Sprinkles; High 65, Low 53 F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
I think I have become a magician. I have magically made yet another day dissolve right before my eyes without getting my raised beds planted. I’m going to put the blame on my struggle with what I want planted where and the fact that I’m not sure how I want to fence the areas. I did walk next door today to introduce myself and tell my next door neighbors that I will have ‘visiting’ goats next Tuesday to eat the poison ivy in the wooded area between our two lots. Unfortunately, I only met the adult son who lives there with his parents as he was the only one home. But he assured me there would be no issue with the goats. While I was out and about, I walked on to the next house. I have been admiring the garden in their backyard since moving in. Again, the home owners were not there. They actually live north of Boston and mostly spend just the summer here, but the young man’s mother was home. She lives with her son and daughter-in-law in Waltham and here, and just happens to be here this week. She confirmed my fears of hungry rabbits eating everything planted if gardens in this neighborhood are not fenced, so fencing will definitely be necessary. I did get a few more things planted today, but I have lots more to do. Maybe tomorrow.
My day started with a little glitch. When I got out of bed I could hardly walk due to the pain in my hips. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I got down on the floor and did the exercises prescribed by my physical therapist. I had to do the set three times before it worked, but it did work. So, time and the chiropractor have fixed my back, but the pain has moved into the hips. I had a morning appointment with the physical therapist and he wants me to talk to my chiropractor when I see him tomorrow morning to get his take on this. Both the physical therapist and the chiropractor believe that the problem is not in the joints in my hips, but rather in the muscles. The physical therapist worked out all the muscle pain, but when I got home and attempted gardening, I managed to get the pain to return. So, on this saga goes.
Good news today . . . Jane Woodin was released from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is home tonight. The ablation seems to have been a success as the afib is under control for now, but dealing with the aftermath of the internal bleeding caused when the catheter that was removed at the end of surgery nicked an artery (at least that’s the official speculation) has caused all sorts of problems. She has miles to go, but hopefully being at home will speed up the recovery process. Go, Jane!