2018 Life Logs, Day 130—Another Busy One
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2018
Weather: Mostly Sunny; High 68, Low 51 degrees
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
If yesterday was busy, today was even busier. I attended the Newcomers Installation of New Officers Breakfast Meeting this morning. It was at the Flying Bridge on Falmouth Harbor and it was a lovely event. I only took one photo and that was of the carved fruit decorations, but every detail was perfect. A great big pat on the back to Jane Woodin, co-chair of the Program Committee, who arranged this affair. It was delightful.
I left the Flying Bridge and went on a three-hour explore of the Woods Hole area with Flat Stanley. Since moving, I get my mail at a PO Box and because I have been so busy, I have only checked the box twice. I get most notices electronically, so there is rarely an important piece of mail. But this Tuesday when I got the mail, there was a very important request. It was from Kit, the son of my sister’s granddaughter. Kit is in second grade and his class is doing the Fla Stanley Project. This is an educational project started in 1995 in Canada. It features a paper cut-out of a character from the 1964 children’s book called Flat Stanley. “The project was designed to facilitate the improvement of the reading and writing skills of elementary school students, while also promoting an interest in learning about different people and places.” So today I took Flat Stanley on a tour of Woods Hole and all of my favorite stops from Woods Hole back to Falmouth. We had a great time. Then I drove north to Mashpee to meet my neighbor from The Studio to pick up a kayak that she was selling. By the time I dropped the kayak off at home, it was time to go to the Goldstones to stay with Jonah and Ollie while Heather took Sam to an after-school appointment.
But this was not the end to my day. I then met Jane Woodin at the West Falmouth Library for a talk by author Jacquelyn Mitchard. It was interesting talk by an author I am unfamiliar with, but I bought a book to get acquainted. Then I went home with Jane and we put together a combined dinner. I brought lettuce and some of Heather’s quinoa salad left over from yesterday’s teacher luncheon. Jane added sautéed chicken, mushrooms, and asparagus. Dinner was delicious and it gave us a chance to catch up on recent happenings.