2017 Life Logs, Days 152: Surprise Weather Day
Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017
Weather: Foggy in the Harbor, Sunny Inland; High in the low 70’s, Low 50’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
Today’s weather was not what was forecast. There was no rain, no clouds, and it was warmer than predicted. What a delightful surprise! There was fog here on the harbor, both in the morning and in the late afternoon, but it was bright and sunny just a quarter of a mile away. I went to the gym for my exercise class and then went to the local bike shop to seriously try-out a couple of bikes. A friend from the gym who heads a biking group in town went with me and her opinions were very helpful in my decision-making process. I didn’t buy today, but I think I am ready to return tomorrow to purchase.
It was almost noon by the time I got home. I launched into making a strawberry-rhubarb crumble for Heather and Jed that I have been promising to make for days. I then had a late lunch and got a text from Heather asking me to pick-up Jonah and take him to soccer practice as she had a last minute request to be on-air to respond to Trump’s climate accord announcement. I didn’t get any family history work done today, so I will launch into that early tomorrow morning.
I have to say that the mid-afternoon announcement by our fearless leader stating that he is withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Accords was a definite low point for me. It was not an unexpected decision, but his “America First” speech was nothing less than shameful. “At what point do they (the rest of the world) start laughing at us as a country?” When Trump asked that question, I immediately knew the answer. The rest of the world starts laughing right now because our President presents himself as such a fool. Our President has removed himself as the leader of the free world. I loved the statement by France’s new President Emmanuel Macron, “Make our planet great again.” That is the way we all need to be thinking.