2017 Life Logs, Days 136: Finally . . . More Like Spring Than Winter
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Weather: Mostly Sunny with a High Temp in the 70’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
Finally . . . we had a bright, sunny, warm day that was more like spring than winter. Tomorrow is forecast to be 10 degrees cooler, but still sunny. So, I can live with that. I spent a lot of my day editing and naming photos from the Bahamas. I attended a meeting with Heather and Jed with their/my lawyer to get some legal advice regarding joint expenditures on housing. Now we just have to decide if I am buying a home just for me OR whether at some point we might buy a home together OR whether I am just going to continue to rent. The jury is still out, but I’ll keep you posted on any decisions. I went to vote in Falmouth’s town election, and otherwise, it was an unremarkable day. And that’s a good thing.