2017 Life Logs, Day 9: Last Day of Deep Chill . . . for now
Date: Monday, January 9, 2017
Weather: Still Chilly, but Warming Overnight; High 17, Low 19 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA

The temperature overnight is forecast to be warmer than the high temp today, so it looks like the chill is lifting. We should have four days with temps in the 40’s, maybe even the 50’s, before we dip back to the 30’s. We are supposed to have rain during this warm-up, so most of the snow will go. I love looking at the snow, but a couple of days is enough for me. But it will be back. It appears that we are going to have to get used to this up and down weather as it just keeps coming.

Not much to report today—went to an early morning class at the gym, worked on the presentation I will make on Thursday, repacked the kayak so it fits in a plastic box so I can stack other things on top, got all of the Christmas decorations put away, and had my Monday ‘game night’ with Ollie while the rest of the Goldstones attend Scout meetings. Tomorrow I will pressure can the latest batch of chicken mineral broth and put the final touches on that Thursday presentation. It has taken longer than I anticipated, but that is because I have so easily gotten side-tracked. I have really enjoyed the look-back and am using this opportunity to get started on writing about the Voyage of Windbird. And tomorrow is an early release day for Sam and Jonah. Not sure if Heather and Jed need childcare support, but I’ll be on stand-by just in case.