2017 Life Logs, Day 355: It’s Winter
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2017
Weather: Partly Sunny; High 37, Low 22 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
Welcome, Yule! Winter is officially here as today was winter solstice. I had dinner with the Goldstones tonight and Ollie and Jonah reminded us that yesterday was not winter, even though it felt like it., but that as of today it is official. I don’t really love winter, but I love this day as the hours of daylight start to increase. Tomorrow night the Goldstones are having a Solstice Fire in the backyard (if it doesn’t get rained out). Neighbors all bring food and come together for the winter celebration. I picked Jonah and Ollie up from school today and, along with Sam, we made chocolate decadence for tomorrow night. We baked it in a large sheet pan and will cut out holiday designs tomorrow after school and decorate the little cakes as a festive dessert. Little by little, we are getting ready for this upcoming holiday weekend.