2017 Life Logs, Day 182: July 1—No Way
Date: Saturday, July 01, 2017
Weather: Partly Cloudy, Still Windy; High 83, Low 67 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA
The calendar tells me it is the first of July, but I say, “No way!” The spring was so wet and cool that I was never convinced that summer was coming. We left for West Virginia last week and when we returned it was warm and now it is July. Life is moving too fast for me, but I figure I had better run to catch up because time is not going to slow down. I slept in this morning and got a deliciously slow start to the day, but then things went into high gear. Friends Bruce and Jane Woodin have offered to let Heather and Jed use their Cape Cod Cat 17” sailboat in return for help in preparing the boat for launch. Due to the long, rainy, cool spring, they are just now getting the boat ready, so I offered to come do the bottom painting today. Bruce has been sanding the teak, and today I took him my heat gun to speed up the removal of old varnish. I have offered to help with varnishing this week, before and after Camp Oma activities, and Jed will be home to help with the launch next weekend. Mark’s last sail was aboard this boat named Pooh, so it has special meaning for me. And hopefully, I’ll get in a sail or two this summer.
Tonight I had a nice long conversation with Lynne of Ed and Lynne in Nyack. Ed continues to be successful in battling cancer that was not supposed to allow him to live this long. But he fought back by making drastic changes in this diet and so far, so good. I am so impressed with the results Ed has gotten from the diet change. They are leaving next week to spend a couple of weeks in Michigan with Lynne’s family and Ed is looking forward to a few good rounds of golf. Go, Ed! Tomorrow Heather and boys, as well as myself, are all taking a day off work. In the morning I head to Heather’s to do a little gardening (not considered ‘work’) and tomorrow afternoon we are hoping to attend a little of the annual Wampanoag PowWow. Jed doesn’t return from Japan until early Thursday morning, but Heather has this four-day weekend off work. On Monday Heather hopes to help out with work on Pooh and on Tuesday we will all celebrate the 4th of July, Falmouth style. It starts with a downtown parade and ends with fireworks off Falmouth Heights Beach.