Day 69, Year 11: More, More, More . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Weather: Overcast, High Temp 50’s F
Location: At Home with Patsy and Joe Kerwood, Mt. Juliet, TN
Today was a day of ‘mores’ . . . more granola making, more scanning of negatives, more labeling photos, more researching on, more shopping. You get the picture. I made a discovery yesterday on Ancestry that has advanced my research tremendously. Once I locate a relative, I can search the family trees of other people on Ancestry for that same person. Yesterday I found two good leads, but today I found a goldmine. I had already found the name of my father’s grandfather, but I only knew the first name and two middle name initials. On a family tree I checked out today, I found that Henry Brown Morgan Goodwin was my great grandfather’s full name. I already knew my great grandmother’s name, Indiana A. Julia Epling. I found out that Henry B. M. Goodwin’s father was David Wall Goodwin and that his wife was Catherine Obedience Mitchell. And David Goodwin’s father was Enos Goodwin married to Elizabeth Wall Early. I just love these names. My last ditch efforts tomorrow will be spent delving further into my paternal grandmother’s lineage. We were always told that either she or my great grandfather was part American Indian, but I am beginning to think that is not true. My grandmother’s name was Fannie Elizabeth Catherine (Kate) Goodwin Martin. She died in 1910 when my dad was very young. Her mother’s name was Indiana. And that might be as close to being American Indian as we get!
We went to my niece Janet’s house for dinner tonight. She made a great Turkey Tetrazzini with the last of the Christmas turkey left-overs. Monica is out of town this week, so she wasn’t there tonight. But tomorrow Janet, Patsy, and I are going shopping south of Nashville close to where Monica is working. We’re hoping to take her out to lunch, finish our shopping, and get Janet home in time to watch the Orange Bowl. We enjoyed Janet’s Christmas decorations and I especially enjoyed seeing one particular ornament on the tree. When Janet was in elementary school in Akron, Ohio, I lived and taught close-by in Cleveland. For Christmas 1969, I invited Janet and her sister Jennifer to come spend the night with me and help me decorate my tree. We strung popcorn and cranberries and put cloves into oranges to hang as ornaments. Sometime later, I gave Janet an artificial clove-decorated orange in remembrance of that 1969 Christmas and it still hangs on her tree.
151230 Day 69 Nashville Trip–Dinner at Janet's |