Day 66, Year 11: A Quiet ‘Summer’ Day
Date: Sunday, December 27, 2015
Weather: Overcast, High Temp in the mid-70’s F
Location: At Home with Patsy and Joe Kerwood, Mt. Juliet, TN

We are really enjoying the relaxed, quiet days here. We have been moving at a pretty fast pace all fall, so this is a welcome change. Today was even warmer than yesterday, but by Thursday of this week the temp is going to dip into the 40’s during the day and the 20’s at night. That is going to be quite a shock after having days that truly feel like summer. But it is almost January and time for a little winter weather. So I dare not complain.

I got up early and worked on my genealogy project. It is tedious work and progress is slow, but I am making progress. I have miles to go, but I’ve made a good start. When Mark got up, we ate breakfast and went for a walk. After lunch we looked for another excuse to be outside to enjoy the ‘summer’ day, so we ended up vacuuming out the cars and cleaning the windows on the inside. I made a ham and asparagus casserole out of left-over ham for lunch and then fixed a Mexican casserole with left-over turkey for dinner. It’s going to take a little more creativity to get rid of all the left-over ham and turkey, but I have taken that on as a challenge.