Day 65, Year 11: The Day After
Date: Friday, December 26, 2015
Weather: Overcast with More Rain, High Temp in the 70’s
Location: At Home with Patsy and Joe Kerwood, Mt. Juliet, TN
We had a very quiet day after Christmas. Joe spent most of his day battling a problem with downloading apps on his phone and I lost myself in the world trying to find family connections. Neither of us was successful, so we’ll continue our little battles tomorrow. Mark started the weather watch for our sail south in a couple of weeks and together we baked about 12 pounds of granola. I’d like to say we are finished with that job, but in order to have enough granola to make it until spring, we’ll have to do one more marathon baking day while we are here. We have decided to stay put until next Saturday. We thought about driving from here to Charlotte on New Year’s Eve and on to Little River to Windbird on New Year’s Day. But when we looked at the statistics for accidents on those days, we decided to sit tight until January 2. With this schedule, we will only be in Little River for two days and then we will drive north to Massachusetts. We will be visiting along the way, so we won’t get home on the Cape until Saturday, January 9th. Mark has his doctor appointments on the 11th and 13th and then we fly back to South Carolina. If weather and health permit, we’ll be sailing south by the middle of the month.