Day 291, Year 11: Fried Green Tomatoes
Date: Monday, August 8, 2016
Weather: Clear and Warm, High Temp in the 80’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio #8, Falmouth, MA
There are many joys of summer and we indulged in one of those today—fried green tomatoes. This morning Heather was bemoaning the fact that they planted only cherry tomatoes this year. So they will have no source of big green tomatoes to bread and fry. So I went to the nearby farm stand and bought some green tomatoes. To fry these, you simply slice them, dip each round in white flour with a little salt added, then dip the floured round in a beaten egg mixture, and finally dip the flour and egg coated round in cornmeal. You then fry them in olive oil and have one of the finest culinary delights on earth! At least Heather and I think so.
Other than having fried green tomatoes, it was a pretty ordinary day. After Sam and Jonah’s science school classes, we headed home and took granddad with us. He then watched the boys while I went to a chiropractor appointment. The visits are definitely working and the pain in my hips is almost gone. Unfortunately, the pain in Mark’s abdomen worsened again today. He talked with his oncologist, Dr. Kwak, this evening and even though the genetic testing on the biopsy samples is not complete, she thinks he should go ahead and start treatment as soon as possible. So he will call his oncologist here on the Cape tomorrow and get that process started. In the meantime, we will pass the time by watching the Olympics. We didn’t get to watch the Summer Olympics in 2008 or 2012. In 2008 we were sailing in Indonesia and in 2012 we were living aboard Windbird in Woods Hole with no television. So we are really enjoying watching the 2016 Olympic Games on our new big screen smart TV.