Day 268, Year 11: Special Overnight ‘Guests’
Date: Saturday, July 16, 2016
Weather: Mostly Sunny and Hot; High Temp mid-80’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio #8, Falmouth, MA

Our special overnight guests are Sam, Jonah, and Oliver. Heather and Jed wanted to go out for the night with friends, so we offered to keep the boys. They often stayed with us on Windbird but have been reluctant to stay with us in our new land home. So I went to pick them up instead of having Heather and Jed drop them off and that seemed to do the trick. Granddad cooked ribs on the grill for dinner and then we watched Finding Nemo. Actually we started watching the movie before dinner and put it on pause while we went out on the deck for dinner. After the movie we read bedtime stories and everyone went to sleep quickly. So all is quiet here at The Studio at this hour.

We also had another special visitor today, but this one was of the bird variety. Mark and I returned from a short shopping trip and when we drove into the parking area I saw new addition on the roof. There has always been a wind vane up there, but today there was a big bird atop. At first we both thought it was a new addition to the wind vane, but then it moved and we realized that it was a big, fat osprey sitting up there enjoying the day.

160716 Day 268 Cape Cod, USA–Osprey Visits The Studio