Day 261, Year 11: Auto-Lounger Supreme
Date: Saturday, July 09, 2016
Weather: Mostly Cloudy and Cool, High in the 60’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio #8, Falmouth, MA

Tonight Mark has been enjoying his birthday present which I will call the auto-lounger supreme. The search for a recliner began when Mark’s feet and ankles started swelling. This kind of edema is expected with the drugs he is taking, but he has only recently developed the problem. The first recommendation for this is to lie down with your feet above heart level. But since no one wants to spend their days lying flat on their back, a recliner that can reach zero gravity seemed like the answer. So in addition to me, Justin and Jo, Heather and Jed, and Jonah, Sam, and Ollie all chipped in to get a recliner for Mark’s birthday. We had to drive north to Costco today for a hearing aid check-up, and after that was completed we just moved next door to Jordan’s Furniture outlet department to take a second look at recliners. Mark decided he wanted a power recliner that can lay back to zero gravity with feet above heart level. None of the non-powered recliners went back this far, so we went with a powered one. And actually only one of the powered recliners that were discounted actually reached zero gravity. It was a little bigger and a lighter color than we wanted, but it was comfortable and the price was right. So we bought it and headed home. Heather, Jed, and boys met us when we got home to carry the chair into the apartment. The motor makes it super heavy and there was no way Mark and I could have moved it. So once again, thank you so much to Heather and Jed. And of course, the boys loved trying out the chair with the remote control. In order to get his feet up, Mark has had to lie down on the sofa with three pillows under his feet which is very awkward. Now he just has to sit down and push a button. Maybe it is the chair or maybe it is the chair in combination with the cooler weather, but for whatever reason, the swelling in his ankles and feet is way down tonight. Mark is a very happy ‘birthday boy’ tonight.

160709 Day 261 Cape Cod, USA–Granddad's Birthday Present