Day 235, Year 11: Lucky Fall
Date: Monday, June 13, 2016
Weather: Mostly Sunny; High Temp 72 degrees F
Location: At Home with the Goldstones, East Falmouth, MA

If any fall can be ‘lucky’, then Mark’s fall all the way down the stairs from the second floor to the first floor, was a lucky one. He is bruised and has scrapes on his arms, but his back, hips, and legs are fine. The bathroom downstairs was in use, so he went up to the second floor to go to the bathroom just before dinner. He didn’t have his indoor Crocs on, only his socks, and that was the problem. He started back down, his feet slipped on the first step, was unable to catch himself and he bounced all the way down on his bottom. Since he has lost so much weight, he has no padding at all. So all I can say is that he obviously has very strong bones and one strong bum! Heather and I were in the kitchen when we heard the thumping on the stairs. It obvious someone was falling down. It was so loud that I thought it must be Jed, but when we ran to the living room, we could see Mark lying at the bottom of the stairs. At first he was just lying there, but then he started getting up. He kept saying he was fine, but I think we were all sure something must be broken. But he kept insisting that he was fine, and indeed, he was. Whew! Last night’s log was entitled “Always Something” and that seems to be the way of things these days. I am just so grateful that Mark is fine. He is bruised, but that fall could have been whole lot worse. Therefore, I’m calling it a ‘lucky’ fall. Sure am glad we persisted in finding an apartment with no stairs. At least we won’t have that worry in our new abode.

After Ollie’s trip to the ER last evening, he decided he wanted to stay home with Oma and Granddad today. At breakfast he came up with the idea of having school at home today and he called it Home School. He got a piece of paper and some markers in order to make a written plan for the day. So we did. We had a fun day together. Actually the whole day and evening went very smoothly until Granddad’s fall. That shook all of us a little. Ollie wouldn’t even come in the house for dinner. He ate under the table on the deck!