Day 194, Year 11: All About Food
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Weather: Overcast with Drizzle, High 50 degrees F
Location: At Home in Evergreen Preserve, Lowell, MA

No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get away from buying, preparing, and serving food. It is a full-time job these days trying to come up with the most nutritious and healthy things for Mark to eat. In addition to that, I have been trying to listen to almost three hours of interviews on the web-based Food Revolution Summit. Starting on Saturday, there have been three interviews each day and each interview lasts about an hour. I have found each and every interview to be really informative, sometimes riveting. The people being interviewed are the foremost experts in the field today and they have so much up-to-date research and information to share. As each of them seems to say, trying to figure out exactly what you should eat these days is not easy. If you are interested, you can listen in at 10 am, 11 am, and 12 noon at But I am actually looking forward to a change of pace tomorrow, even if it does mean spending the day at a hospital (Mark’s infusion day). At least I won’t be spending the entire day in the kitchen!