Day 167, Year 11: Taking a Break
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Weather: Mostly Cloudy with a High of 45, Low of 36 degrees F
Location: At Home in Evergreen Preserve, Lowell, MA

Today was a good day for just taking a break. Mark and I got up at 7 am to have breakfast. Mark was able to eat heartily and then we both went back to bed. Actually, I laid down on the sofa in the living room and read for a while before going back to sleep, but then I did sleep. So it was a lazy morning here. In the afternoon, I did a little house cleaning, some baking, and then Mark and I went for a walk. He felt much better this afternoon and evening, so we will have to see if this lasts into tomorrow. He is doubling up on nausea medication and that could be why he is feeling better. But whatever, it is great that he has a little more energy and can eat. Tomorrow will be a bit of a repeat of today, although I have to make a store run in the morning and go to pick up my niece from the airport shuttle terminal tomorrow afternoon. Then Friday it is back to Mass General. So go our days.

I want to take this opportunity mention the R/V Neil Armstrong, the newest addition to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s (WHOI’s) research vessel fleet. Early this morning, our daughter Heather hitched a ride on the Tioga, another of WHOI’s fleet, to go out and greet the Neil Armstrong.

160406 Day 167 Cape Cod, USA–Heather Greets the Neil Armstrong

This research vessel replaces the R/V Knorr whose ownership has been transferred to Mexico and renamed the Rio Tecolutla. Adding a new research vessel to the Woods Hole fleet doesn’t happen every day, so Heather and Jed took the boys out of school this morning so they could be in Woods Hole for the welcoming ceremony. I sure hope the Neil Armstrong stays in port long enough for Mark and I to see it.

160406 Day 167 Cape Cod, USA–Welcome Neil Armstrong