Day 150, Year 11: Happy 4th Birthday to Ollie (a day early)
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2016
Weather: Sunny AM, Then Overcast, Hi Temp 40 F, Snow on the Way
Location: At Home in Evergreen Preserve, Lowell, MA

Today was Ollie’s birthday party. Ollie planned the whole party and it was really a lot of fun. He wanted an obstacle course, wanted to eat birthday cake with his friends UNDER the dining room table with a tent on top of them, wanted the theme to revolve around knights, and wanted a camouflaged castle cake. Somehow Heather and Jed pulled all of that together and gave Ollie exactly what he wanted. And after his little friends left, he was presented with the green John Deere ride-on tractor with a trailer that he has been wanting. What a lucky and very happy little four year-old Ollie was this afternoon. Simon, one of Ollie’s classmates at the Woods Hole Daycare Cooperative, was at the party this afternoon. He was born on the same day as Ollie a couple of doors down at the Falmouth Hospital. Simon and Ollie’s real birth date is March 21 which is tomorrow, but they have both had a full weekend of celebrating. And today is actually Ollie’s Grammy Goldstone’s birthday, as well as the first day of spring. So Happy Birthday to Grammy Goldstone, to Simon, to spring, and to Ollie!

Unfortunately Mark was really not feeling good today. He made ‘cameo’ appearances at the important times at the party, but as soon as it was over, we headed north. We were also trying to beat the snow, but it is now 11:30 pm and we still have no snow. Jed just emailed and said they were having sleet on the Cape. The prediction was for anywhere from 3 to 11 inches on the Cape and much less here, so it will be interesting to see what we have in the morning.

160320 Day 150 Cape Cod, USA–Ollie's Birthday Party