Day 144, Year 11: Still Waiting
Date: Monday, March 14, 2016
Weather: Overcast with Some Rain, Lots of Wind, Hi Temp 40’s F
Location: At Home with the Goldstones, East Falmouth, MA
We are still waiting to hear from Mark’s oncologist about whether or not he qualifies for the drug trial. Waiting has never been a strong point for either of us, but at least we have lots of things to keep us busy. Mark is doing better now that he is taking an anti-nausea medication and once again has an appetite. But the pain meds do not keep the pain totally at bay. So overall he is better, but not great. Today was a run here and there day for me. Heather left early as she hosts an hour long show from 9 to 10 am on Monday mornings. She has a terrible cold and her voice sounds like she is in a barrel, but the show must go on! The rest of my day was spent running back and forth to Woods Hole to take Ollie to school and pick him up, doing laundry, having late morning coffee with Bruce and Jane Woodin at their home, and picking Sam and Jonah up from school. No major accomplishments from me today, but everyone got where they needed to be and got picked up. Sam and Jonah had Scouts tonight and Heather had to fill-in as Den Leader for Jonah’s Den in Jed’s absence. The activities around here just never cease—so plenty to keep us busy. Tomorrow is more of the same as Heather has to leave here at 6 am to head to Boston for another speaking engagement. The Oma Express will be up and running early in the morning.
A little note to those very good friends who have sent emails in the past week—I have received and very much appreciated your emails but have not found time to get back to you. Rest assured that I received your emails and will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for understanding.