Day 34, Year 6 Back to Reality
Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010
Weather: Sunny, Windy Day and Humid
Location: Tuzi Gazi Marina, Richards Bay, South Africa

The problem with South Africa is that it is BIG. We still have over a thousand sea miles in some of the scariest waters in the world to travel before we reach Cape Town. And now that we have completed the touring in this area that we could afford, both time-wise and money-wise, it is time to start thinking about traveling south. Odulphus left while we were away and our neighbors Juan and Jane on Aldo left on the Thursday before we headed to Kruger. Most of the ARC Round the World Boats that arrived two weeks ago have already headed south, so now it is our turn. We have about of week of shopping and boat preparation to do and then we will start looking for that weather window.

The reality part of this is that we only have the rental car for three more days and we need to buy as many of the provisions we will need for the next six months before we return the car. So today Ed and Lynne had the car for the morning hours and we had it for the afternoon. Each day we will flip-flop the times, so we got back at 6 pm with LOADS of food and drink to carry from the car to the boat, and tomorrow morning we head out at 8 am to do the same thing all over again. This nice part is that we are only provisioning for the six months from now until we reach Florida in late May. When we left Thailand we were provisioning for ten months, and that was even harder. But because of the time crunch with the car, photo editing from our Kruger trip has been put on hold. We will be posting a few photos of the best of the best of the week-long trip with yesterday’s log, but the complete folders are a few days away from being posted. I thought I would have the complete logs from our days in Kruger posted by now, but maybe tomorrow. As always, so much to do, and so little time.