Day 210, Year 6 Warming Up
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2011
Weather: Beautiful and Sunny; 86 degrees F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, South Carolina

Each day it gets just a little warmer. This week the temps are supposed to get into the 90’s so maybe it’s a perfect time to escape to the mountains to visit with Mark’s sister and brother-in-law. Today we went to Windbird to do a little cleaning. I took my sister’s vacuum cleaner so I could vacuum under the floor boards where there was a year and a half’s worth of dirt that falls through the cracks. Our friend Lee came over to help Mark clean the waterline. We had started the job on Friday using a Star Brite hull cleaning product, but when we arrived today it looked like the product had dulled the AwlGrip paint where we had used it. So Lee suggested we try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser which is a sponge loaded with cleaner. We had been given one by someone months ago and were told at the time that it does a great job on the waterline. But we had forgotten all about it. I dug out it out and sure enough, it worked just like magic-but with a lot of man power behind it. Lee called Lynda and asked her to go buy some and bring them to the boat. And just after Lynda arrived, friends of Lee and Lynda stopped by to see Windbird. James and Tylynn Farmer live here on the weekends but stay on their boat during the week in Charleston, SC, where Ty works as a nurse anesthetist. They have a 30-foot Catalina and are thinking about moving up to a bigger boat. And Lee and Lynda might consider buying the 30-footer. So it goes with boaters. Everyone is always moving up to something bigger and better. With all the company, I didn’t get a lot of cleaning done, but Lee and Mark did get the waterline done. Hurray!!!

We had another delicious dinner tonight. We have just about exhausted the supply of fresh peas which is a good thing because the warmer weather is drying up the vines. We ate the last of the fried green tomatoes tonight and had the last of the strawberries we picked the other day with homemade ice cream. Yummy.

110522 Day 210 The Carolinas-Windbird Visitors