Day 357, Year 10: Cold and Rainy
Date: Friday, October 2, 2015
Weather: Rain All Day, High low-50’s F, Wind NE
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA

It is cold and rainy here, but it is very good news that Joaquin looks to be headed out to sea and not up the coast. Well, at least it looks that way right now and we can all hope that trend continues. Last winter when we were in the Bahamas and listening to daily weather reports from cruiser weather guru Chris Parker, he often mentioned that forecasts based on the newer Euro model were proving to more reliable than the US Global Forecast System (GFS). That proved to be the case this time as it was the Euro model that kept telling us that Joaquin would not turn to the west and hit the US coast. Our computer programs have lagged behind the European model due to funding issues. Sure wish we could get the government funding to bring the model used by the National Weather Service up-to-date.

I drove to Boston this morning, took Mark to Mass General for lunch and his treatment, and then drove back to the Cape. It is supposed to go down into the upper-40’s tonight. Brrr. We baked dinner in the oven which added a little heat inside Windbird and right now we have the propane Mr. Heater turned on. We’ll turn that off before going to bed, but it sure is taking away the damp chill.

Our hearts are with the people of Rosebud, Oregon tonight. Those of us who believe that we need stronger gun control laws in this country need to speak out . . . NOW. We’ve remained silent far too long.