2018 Life Logs, Day 161—Flag Day 5K Run
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2018
Weather: Mostly Cloudy; High 69, Low 52 F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA
The Falmouth Education Foundation’s Flag Day 5K Run was today. The Foundation gives a lot of money to Falmouth schools for various projects, so the Goldstones wanted to show their support by participating in this race which is a huge fund raiser for the Foundation. Heather and Sam have run other races, but this was Jed’s first race in many years. They all had strong finishes and they seemed to enjoy the experience. While they were running, Jonah, Ollie, and I walked across the street to the beach where Jonah and Ollie kicked a soccer ball around. Actually, Ollie did all of the kicking and Jonah did all of the catching, sometimes diving into the sand to keep the ball from going across the goal line. Next door neighbors, Molly and Melissa ran in the race, as well as Sam’s friend Harrison and his dad. When Mark and I flew home from Australia for Sam’s first birthday, I remember taking Sam to swim lessons. Harrison was in the class and they were so tiny. Oh, my. They are no longer babies!
After the race, the Goldstones headed to a Cub Scout picnic and moving up ceremony. Jonah moved up from being a Bear Cub to a Webelo. I went home to do a few things, one of which was to fix dinner for all of us. I delivered dinner to the Goldstones and we did a little pre- and post-dinner celebrating with the Keefe’s next door. I laughed when I heard Heather say this was supposed to be a relatively low-activity weekend. That may be, but there was still plenty of activity. We keep saying we need a weekend to recover from our weekends.