Day 199, Year 10: Packing is for the Birds
Date: Monday, April 27, 2015
Weather: Sunny, NE Wind, High Temp 70 degrees F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, SC

I was trying to come up with a title for tonight’s log that included birds and packing, so I came up with ‘Packing is for the Birds’. And although that is probably true, it is not really how I feel. It just worked as a title. We spent the afternoon and evening at Patsy and Joe’s continuing to work on packing things up for their move in June. Mark, Joe, and I also worked together to post some furniture for sale on Craig’s List. Getting rid of things is just as important as the packing of things to be kept. The bird part of the title came in before and during packing. As we were leaving Lightkeepers to go to Patsy and Joe’s, we saw a mommy and daddy goose and their tiny little goslings by the pond near the marina office. I had to stop and take a ton of photos as they were so, so cute. At Patsy and Joe’s we have been watching two little birds that have taken over one of Joe’s bluebird houses. We think they are young Brown Nuthatches, but if anyone has a better idea after looking at the photos, please let us know.

150427 Day 199 Little River, USA–Birds

Tomorrow morning I’m going to get the dinghy off the front deck and give it a good cleaning. After that we’ll probably head back to Patsy and Joe’s to do more packing. Mark is not able to do much right now. Whatever he did to his shoulder last week is really painful . . . so much so that sometimes just picking up a little bag of crackers sets it off. I guess I’ll get my share of exercise raising and lowering sails on the way north.